

At LeaderShift Spill, we help small businesses with all their HR needs while minimizing legal risk.

  • Most popular outsourcing services include:

    HR Outsourcing and Consulting (project based; day-to-day; or on-call)

    HR Compliance Audits (including I-9 verifications and file clean up)

    Provide you with New Forms & Processes

    Legally compliant Employee

  • Handbooks

    Recruiting; Hiring; Onboarding

    Workplace investigations; Disciplinary

  • Actions: Terminations

    Wage & Hour Audits (meals, breaks,
    compensation programs, timekeeping
    regulations, overtime compliance)

    Ensure proper employee classifications
    (exempt/salary vs. non-exempt/hourly)

    Job Description Updates

    Training and Development (variety of
    courses including mandatory Sexual
    Harassment prevention)